The Second Chapter of the Indian General Commissariat of the Carmelite Church (O.Carm) was held from 14th to 17th February 2023 at Ashir Bhavan in Ernakulam. During the four-day conference, the Prior General of the Global Carmelite Order, Most Rev. Míceál O’Neill O.Carm, and Asian Councilor Fr. Robert Puthussery O.Carm oversaw the election of a new General Commissary and Councilors.
After a series of deliberations and discussions, Fr. Kuriakose Chandanaparampil O.Carm, a native of Ernakulam Koonammav and a member of Varapuzha Archdiocese, was elected as the new General Commissary. Fr. Jacob Roby Chakalaparampil O.Carm, Fr. Emmanuel Dixon Rebero O.Carm, Fr. Michael Joseph Jackson O.Carm, and Fr. Titus Rancy Kalapurackal O.Carm were also elected as councilors and members of the chapter.